Cats are a compact and well muscled animal in the recent world and it varies with size and weight. The weight of male cat is typically higher than the female. The length of the tails and legs are the shortest of any big cat but are fat and very powerful. In the forest you can find only smaller cats than in open areas. The structure of short and stocky limbs helps the cat to climb, crawl and swim. The jaw of this cat is tremendously dominant and the head is strong which helps to give an utmost bite force after Big cat and small cat. Can cats eat raw meat? Cats do not avoid water compared to many other cats. The swimming nature of this cat helps to get prey from the rivers in the form of fish and turtles. It also consumes overweight animals. The mature cat exists at the top of its food chain and it is not preyed on in their natural habitat. It is termed as keystone species and it rains the population levels of prey such as herbivores and carnivores mammals. The child of a cat is born blind as it gets sight only after two weeks. It will remain in their den for six months and after that it will accompany their mother for hunting.
Efficient and intelligent predator
Among felines, cats have the strongest jaw and unique killing technique of prey. It has the nature to kill the prey and it is very fond of a huge piece of meat. It always prefers the approach of following the animal by hiding rather than chasing it. As it has the nature of swimming, it has the ability to kill their prey and it can hold an animal which is twice their size on top of a tree. Can cats eat raw meat? As it is a meat eater it will eat any kind of animal and it rarely eats humans. It always starts to eat the prey from the heart by their chests. It is a very skilled climber so it can catch a monkey from the huge top of the tree compared to other predators. The stalking technique used by the cat shows it different from breeds.
Cat are endangered by deforestation
Cats are wonderful creatures of the animal and it will manage to live with the hunted prey in all ages. It mostly hunts animals which are huge in size and flesh. You can see the cat in many jungles in South America. Nowadays in order to make land for other purposes people are destroying the forest and lands which creates destruction to the animals. It leads to a process of deforestation and every species is destroyed day by day. The cat will hunt the prey in both daylight and at night. It is always different from other predators and it will always have an exclusive place in hunting. The name of the cat gives the sense as he who kills with one strike.